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cross-section rod中文是什么意思

用"cross-section rod"造句"cross-section rod"怎么读"cross-section rod" in a sentence


  • 板形丈尺


  • Experiment on round cross - section rod vortex vibration control
  • 3 . wth application of large - scale computational software anasys - dyna , the case of elastic impact to each other of two recta - ngular cross - section rods has been implemented and also compared with theoretical results , which maks good agreement and draws very helpful practical experiences to use some techncal parameters in the program . eventually , the a real - world aircraft windshield shell structure impacted by a flying bird has been simulated through fem numerical computation , and meanime , an engineering predical experimeni of bird sttiking to the windshield in some type of aircraft has been performed
    3 、应用大型科学计算程序anasys - dyna ,对弹性体碰撞进行了数值计算验证并与理论结果对比,获得了计算参数应用的实践经验;在此基础上,进行了鸟体撞击飞机风挡结构动力学响应的实际数值计算,与此同时安排了工程鸟体撞击试验,并就两者计算结果给予了细致分析对比,获得了良好的一致性结论。
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